Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1973 Corvette Restoration/steering column, j c whitney, corvette restoration
QuestionI am in the process of rebuilding a 1973 Corvette. The engine and Transmission have been rebuilt and installed. I purchased a re-built tilt and tele steering column and installed new wiring in the engine compartment. We hooked up the steering column wiring, starter etc, but noting happens when we turn the switch. There is a TCS switch and I am not sure we have it hooked up right or know the purpose of this switch. We also can't seem to get the ignition switch to go into the shut off positon. Don't remember if we have to have the Tranny in neutral? We need help. thanks gt
OK well you might have to have your mod. in nut. and have the clutch in to start italso seat belts.. and with the key you might have to have the key in the key lock and a pin in the lil hole than it should pop off so you can get it into the column. you should get a OBDII meter buy one , a good one runs about $ 100.00 on sale at J.C. and it will help you and all your friends and family, it can even get the check engine light out.. it might tell you what you have wrong if you sent to jc w today it will be there for next weekend to work with it. it is like gold.