Classic/Antique Car Repair: DELO OIL IN CHEVROLET 409, chevy motors, texaco oil
QuestionI was advi=sed to use delo (deisel oil) in my 1962 chev 409> Do you think this wil do damage to the engine due to the additves and weight factors////
Thank you
What oil do you use in your antique cars engines? Currently using Penz 10-30
HI; well I was sitting here with my Dad who is 91 yrs. of age. he was a engineer all his life. and he said he had heard of a few people doing that back in the old days, but they would mix the oil some way, he said he would be against it, well as in my own opinion I have had a lot of Big Block chevy motors, 396,409,389, 427, 454,and all I used in all of them was a good brand of oil-most all good brand names are good. and I would add a can of S.T.P. at every oil and filter change. .or Texaco oil is a good oil 10-40 or a straight 30 or even a straight 40 wght. oil. I remember my 1969 396. I put a new pump in and I used a H.D. oil pump spring, well I used a 30 wgt.Texaco H.D. oil and a can of s.t.p. and I would have super oil p.s.i. 60 to 80 p.s.i.with no leaks.