QuestionRoger: I am restoring a 1970 Mustang Coupe. Ready to complete the wiring and turn the key, and pray it starts.
Rebuilt motor, tranny, new battery, alt, and voltage regulator. the original wiring was disconnected, and maybe even missing a wire. The new regulator has 4 terminals. Marked "S", "F", "V", and "I". I figure "s" for Stator,"f"
for Field(those connect to the alternator). I assume "I" and "V" go to the battery/starter solenoid, and the other goes to the wiring harness/instrument panel/alt. warning light. Can you give me any quidance? I have Chilton manual with schematics...SOME COLOR CODING, BUT doesn't match the
new plug I, white, yellow, and green wires.
It sounds like you have it right ,as I never liked the fords wireing hook up. to be on the safe side, at some times the car will start and keep starting and not turn off.
so I would have a friend there when you start it up just in case you must pull the wire off the battery fast. ok