Classic/Antique Car Repair: adjusting a carb, air fuel mixture, adjustment screw

QUESTION:  I have a 64 Nova,with a 230 6cyl. single barrel carb, 2 speed automatic.My problem is when starting my car its at a really high idle for about 5 minutes,then I am able to kick it down.What can I do to adjust the carb........
ANSWER: Thomas;
Hi- It sounds like your choke is sticking on you. I would get a can of WD-40 and spray up all of the choke linkage and let it sit over night. If that will not do the trick than you will have to adj. tha choke linkage, it should be done when the motor  is cold, just started this way you can set it so it will idle right when its warm. there are 2 screws  one is the choke idle and the second is the  running idle.  ok  also check that the return spring is working .

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QUESTION: Thank you,the idle did come down some.Do I need to spray the choke coil once a month? You mention 2 screws,I have a running idle, and a fuel air adjustment screw. My choke is located on the manifold, Is the screw under the plastic  cover of the choke?
ANSWER: HI- well you have the idle screw and the choke idle adj. and than the air/ fuel mixture screw. you can spray the linkage when you need to.

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QUESTION: Where is the choke idle adjustment ?
ANSWER: Thomas;
Hea there should be a small screw on the linkage if not than it could be just a arm that you might have to bend a little to raise the idle. but if it is not that low I would leave it, can you not get it good enough by adjusting the air/fuel mixture screw. if you turn it in till it stalls or almost stalls than back out 1 1/2 turns if you go back to 1 3/4 and the idle goes up more than try it like that, also how is the air filter, if dirty replace it. and the fuel filter too. and check the vacuum,  how is it from the distributor tube ? good ?
it should be on the choke arm that goes up n down.

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QUESTION:  I Have another problem,when I put the car into drive or reverse it does not want to stay running. In park or neutral it idles ok. I have replaced the hose from the carb to trans. the manifold to brake booster(also check valve and grommet).It is also getting harder to start. Air and fuel filter are good. How do I check the vacuum ?

with a vacume gauge , they do not costmuch. I wonder if you are just having some choke  trouble  sticking on you spray it up reap real  good and let it sit for 24 hours and look to see thsat the choke is working . if still no god I would yrt a differnt carb if you can borrow one.