Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1959 Ford F100 Battery Not Charging, 1959 ford f100, dash light

I have replaced the battery, the voltage regulator and have had the generator rebuilt. The Generator dash light stays lit and the battery won't charge??? I have noticed one part which resembles a relay between the voltage regulator and the battery, mounted on the this the problem? Thanks a million.

I don't know what this part could be - it isn't a factory part.  There should be no relay (electrically) between the voltage regulator and the battery.  I think you should get a factory wiring diagram and follow the diagram to put the truck back the way it was when it left the factory.  

Without inspecting it myself, that's about all I can tell you.  If you have an auto-electric shop near you, you could take it to them and ask them to dope it out, but if you have a non-factory setup there, no one will be able to troubleshoot it without first putting it back to original.
