QuestionRoger-Rebuilt 78 vette l48 with non stock cam. This has changed my timing mark set. Advanced above required setting no 7 cyl lifters do not clack (replaced them) same results.
Near 12 they still clack but engine does not ping, advanced
more engine pings on throttle,clacking reduced. I dropped in
distributor zero T mark to no one, or thumb. Thought one tooth off, reset same, distributor rebuilt by pro shop. Is cam or distributor problem.T chain marks checked aligned.
Well if the cam is in wrong it can cause all hell, you put it in with the no#1 piston up and on TDC with the rotor on the no#1 plug spot on the cap. than bolt it down than as far as the cam is it solid or hyd. that can be doing it.
if hyd. cam you can do each valve , tap the motor till the lifter is up all the way. than loosen the rocker till loose than go back till tight than 1/2 turn more do it to each one and if any are still loose snug them up till its not. this way it will run than you can re do them the same way when warm. but if it is a solid cam, well what type and at what settings. .. I bet it is a simple thing. re check everything ok