QuestionAlright, here's my problems. I bought the car on a whim, knowing that she was a definite fixer-upper(she's my project). This is the list of the things I was both informed of, and ended up finding out on my own. First main issue, I was informed of a cracked Intake Valve(but was not informed of where the cracked valve, found out it's most likely the cover, not the valve, and that it's locating in the most horrible spot for an oil leak). It SPEWS oil as soon as the car is turned on, so of course, everything under the hood is now coated in a lovely sheen of oil, including my starter(problem #2), how do I go about replacing the valve and/or cover? The starter also wasn't shimmied, so it's not sitting properly. The transmission will need to be replaced soon, as the idiot who owned it before me, ground first gear to a nub trying to do a burn out, and it no longer catches(I have to start the car in 2nd gear, and push it to drive when I hit where third gear would be(yeah, it's an automatic...sort of)). The gear isn't loose in the tranny, and he's had it like that for 4-5 years, but it's a nuisance. I checked all the fluids, and, besides the oil being obviuosly low, I found my transmission fluid to be a rusty orange color, definitely sludgy and opaque. Is there a drain plug for that, so I can replace the fluid? Also, I need to know how to replace wiring and crap for the electrical system...more specifically, the wire leading to my radiator fan. It snapped...and now my fan doesn't work. I don't want to splice the wires together(for obvious safety reasons), what can I purchase, and how would I go about fixing that? And my exhaust manifold is so loose I can rattle it with my own hand, can I just tightened the bolts with a torque wrench, or do I had to take it apart and redo everything?
I know, there's like eighteen thousand questions in this paragraph, but I recently lost my mechanic of god knows how many years, and I'm on my own(I have mechanical experience, from helping my friend restore his 84 Trans Am, and 83 Firebird, but this IS a Chevy, and I'm NOT 16 any more. My knowledge over the years has reduced itself to air filters, oil changes, and filters, and
I'll probably be back with more questions(as more problems arrise), but for now, PLEASE HELP!!! I do need this car to be running(my other car official is gone...:-(.
well I wonder if you should take it out back and put it to
well as far as the valve cover you just remove the bolts that hold it down, get a new cover and gasket and replace it. than I would get a can of gunk and clean off all of the oil. as far as the tranny you should drain it and change the filter today,or you soon will have no gears. the manifold- get some liquid wrench spray the nuts up good than just tighten them up snug. than I would go to the library and look in the teck. books they will have photos of the eletrc. stuff. ok