Classic/Antique Car Repair: 69 Chevy Impala Barke Problem, valave, drum brakes
QuestionI have a 69 Chevy Impala Custom with all drum brakes. It sat idle for some time and the brake fluid gelled up like bearing grease. I change out the master cylinder, and during the course of purging the old fluid from the lines, the brake pedal became rigid. However, none of the brakes will engage. Also no further bleeding is being allowed. I assume there is some trash in the brake vavle. That valve seems to be discontinued for my car, and I haven't been able to find it anywhere online. Can it be cleaned, reverse-bled, or anything of the sort? And if so, how? I currently have removed the master cylinder and the lines runiing from the valave to the master cylinder.
hi well I do not think you can open the valve , can you blow some air into it some how. and you might have to replace or blow all the lines, brake cyld. etc. if you cant get it clean, try (jc they might have the part. or try a serch for it. I would try to clean it with a can of car cleaner with the lil red tube and sprat it up good. ok