Classic/Antique Car Repair: Electric Problems, dash lights, charging system
QuestionHi, i have a 64 mustang equiped with a generator charging system but the ALT light in my dash lights up. When i bought the car i noticed that the ciggarete lighter and horns did not work. My battery drains in about three days. It is a brand new battery. Are the lighter and/or horn malfunctions related to my battery being drained?
HI;well first off there has to be some reason for the battery going dead in 3 days, is the belt tight or slipping?, did you check the alt. to see if it is putting out 13 1/2 volts. also there could be a short or some accs. that is staying on and killing the battery. I would first check the battery and alt the charging voltage. ok you might need a battery or a alternator. ok