Classic/Antique Car Repair: 69 Impala, wd 40, dash lights
QuestionI recently asked you a question regarding my Impala. I have another one for you. I am trying to get it started. Its been sitting around for 15 years in a garage. Everything works on the car lighter all the way back to the back up lights, which impressed me. I drained the old gas out and chnged the oil. Changed all filters, etc. I go to crank the motor via the key in ignition, the dash lights come on in run position, and HOT light comes on in crank position, but motor won't crank. I can manually get motor to crank by jumping solenoid on starter. I checked to see if evrything is working under my dash. When I put a multimeter on switches I get power to shoot over wire in crank position. Electrical is not one of my strong points, any info would be appreciated. Thanx.
Mike B
HI have you tried to jump it with a second car, the battery could be low or bad. also try to put a 1 oz. of gas down into the carb. and spray some starting fluid into the carb also. and see what happens. it should tyrn over with that in it. , if it still goes click with the two batteries than you might have a bad starter motor or selonoid. I would pullc the plugs one at a time and squirt some wd-40 into each plug hole and let it sit over night than try it with starting fluid in 24 hours later ok.