Classic/Antique Car Repair: restoration, paint job, bad shape
QuestionHi Mr Warrington,
I have a 1981 z28 that I would like to have restored. My question is; Where in NJ would you recommend me go to and how much would you think it would cost. The Camaro is not in bad shape no rust, and the interior is in pretty good shape. The exterior needs a paint job and mostly some TLC. I dont have a ton of money but I think I can afford a little TLC. ANY SUGGESTIONS
Answer MIKE ;
HI I would do a serch on the web. and look for engine rebuilding there are tons of them so look there as you will find all types of shops. a good price for a turn key is at apx. 5,000.00 I told you to serch the web we do not do home work, but yes there are a ton of engine builders out there and in your area that can help you, but how can you say that I did not tell you anything at all,just about jirls. thats wrong we/I get paid nothing not a dam penny for doing this as we do it to help those that need it so they do not get ripped off, but you said I spoke about jirls, well you must have seen my bio from when I was in my teens, and by you placing those low marks you just screwed my scores up real good, all due to your lack of reading skills, this is the only payment that we get for this , and you screwed my scores up good, thank you elmer if I have the wrong person Im sorry.