Classic/Antique Car Repair: replaceing my steering wheel, center bolt, corvette mike
Questionhow do you take off a steering wheel to a 79 corvette
Answer MIKE :
HI did I not tell you this -
well first off you must get or rent a wheel puller, than you will remove all screws that are holding the wheel on and the horn button. than you will remove the center nut that is holding the steering wheel on- it is a large nut-un-screw it most of the way off. than you will remove the (3) three nuts that hold it down into place. ok so now all the horn assembly should be out of the way and only the (3) nuts and the large center nut. ok you will now take the wheel puller and center it on top of the large nut, with the (3) three other nuts on the surronding holes with one bolt and a washer on each bolt on the wheel puller and when all three (3) of the bolts are all on and in place the center nut will have the large threded bolt resting on the middle bolt comming up from the wheel area and the nut that is still on the large bolt should be set so it is flush (flat) with the bolt , as the center bolt of the puller shall be resting down on it and the three (3) other smaller bolts should be tightened snug so they will not pull out. so now all you do is to tighten up on the large center bolt/of the puller and this will cause the wheel to pull or pop off from the shaft.** TRICK if you can get the wheel to come up and almost off = remove the puller alltogether and than with the center nut still on the large bolt , keep it flush with the center bolt that holds the wheel on- ok now have a person stand in back of you and pull up hard on the wheel and while he is doing so you will take a heave BRASS hammer and you will hit the center nut/bolt with a few sharp blast- this should pop the wheel right off. ok note when you put the wheel back on- be shure to place it on the same way with the marking line the same way. use brass so you will not mess upthe threds on the bolt/s okok