Classic/Antique Car Repair: Slightly Overheating, 64 plymouth, muffler shop

I have 64 Plymouth Fury, slant six. A few months ago she fell off the lift at a muffler shop and now she is running hot.  The Raditor cap has been replaced, a few wires replaced and Thermostat/gasket. It was originally Canadian.  After driving it 20+ miles it will get into the Hot zone.  There will be some radiator fluid  coming from the side of the cap(maybe a 1/4 cups worth and of course I can smell when I am driving)  and of course steam from the over flow hose.  This car was driven down to TX 2 years ago without any problems. Last Feb. it had small leak which was repaired and it is still holding pressure.  They also painted it black.  Is there something I can do and or should I even worry.  Thanks.

 Lisa -
       HI - fell off the lift ,I would have had the muffler shop fix it.  If you want to  be safe you can have the system pressure tested ,  it could be the cap or the fan belt or a hose , etc. I  would get it tested and you can add a can of barrs stop leak to the rad. that might help you.