Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1962 rambler american, fuse box, swollen areas

i am trying to locate the fuse box in my rambler. I thought that it was under the dash but i have been  unsucessful.this rambler is my first car and i really want to carry on the tradition of owning ramblers i plan to restore this little by little. i don't see many ramblers around and i definently will turn heads in this car if i can only find the fuse box...

Ramblers are indeed great cars, I've owned a few myself, including a 62.  Mine was a larger model (Ambassador wagon), and I don't recall exactly where the fuses were - but I know that information is in the owner's manual, along with many more things you will want to know if you are going to be keeping the car.  I'd also advise you to get the factory shop manual for it, as most mechanics you will deal with won't even have been born when this car was made!

To get that literaturs, contact Ed Faxon    Ed has the right stuff, and he knows what you need.

The fuses may not be in a fuse "box", they may be in a black plastic block mounted up under the dash or on the inside of the firewall, I really don't recall, but I think they are not hard to find - so get under there on your belly with a strong flashlight and track them down!  

Some or all of the fuses could be in individual metal cartridges, looking like fat gray swollen areas in individual wires -this was typical of older cars.

I think AMC was more modern than that, but I really don't recall that level of detail.

Good luck with your car!
