Classic/Antique Car Repair: 51 Lincoln Sport Sedan, vacuum line, vacuum advance

Hi Dick -me again- I need to set the timing- can you tell me if
the vacuum to the distributor is blocked on or off- also- what is
the dwell?- gap? and anything else pertinent- I've been doing
some research and found out there are only 26 of these babys
left and I want to take care of it- thanks again- Joe- instead of
dropping  the fuel tank we hooked  the gas line it up to a 150PSi  
pump and it seems to have worked by sucking the rust out

For setting the timing at idle, the vacuum advance unit should not make any difference, because the vacuum line that goes to it should not have any vacuum present at idle. That is "ported vacuum" which is only present when the throttle is opened to accelerate.

If you have vacuum on that line at idle, something isn't hooked up right.

If the vacuum connection is correct, it doesn't make any difference what you do with it while you are setting the timing.

The dwell reading should be 28 to 32 degrees, use the lower number for new points, and use about 30 degrees if the points have a few thousand miles on them.

That certainly is a rare car - well worth the care you are giving it!
