Classic/Antique Car Repair: oil pan repair, oil pan repair, fragile sensibilities

I would like to know if there is a product I can buy to repair a hole in an oil pan since the local junkyards no longer carry parts for a car over 20 years old if so what is it and who might carry such a product in the Detroit area ?

Hi Kevin.

Sorry, I don't know of any product anywhere that will do what you want.  I realize the oil is not pressurized at the spot of your hole, but I can only imagine being able to make the repair if the pan were empty and the inside de-greased, so something could stick.  If you can get that far it means you've got the pan off, which I think is your best bet anyway.

A certified welder can perform magic on an oil pan.  I know it's a lot of work for you, but it's the same job as if you had found an oil pan at the recycler (out here in California we are politically correct and refer to these people as recyclers...not junk dealers.  We wouldn't want their fragile sensibilities hurt.)

Good luck.
