Classic/Antique Car Repair: 81-83 Imperial, quality control technician, chrysler club

Hello, I am the owner of a 1981 Sinatra Edition. Although I do not have a technical question, I know from the online club that you know alot about these cars in general. My question has to do with what you were supposed to get with the car when you purchased it. I know that the Mark Cross thank you package as well as the Sinatra tapes and Mark Cross bag was sent to the dealer from Ross Roy in Detroit. The dealers did not always pass these onto the owners but would keep them for themselves quite frequently. (My own packages and tapes were bought from former dealers years later). My question has to do with something else I heard that you were supposed to receive. I have read that the purchaser was also given a sign off sheet for thier perticular vehicle that was filled out by a quality control technician before leaving the Imperial Assurance Center in Windsor. This sheet verified that your car had passed all the quality tests. However, no one that I have spoken to has one; or have ever heard of this at all. I live in Windsor, and have spoken to several Chrysler retirees and they have not either. I was wondering if you had any knowledge of these and if you possibly knew how many issues of "The Imperial Standard" newsletter were made and sent out to dealers starting in July of 1980. Thank you for your time, George Simicsak.  

Hello, George;

I am always glad to answer questions about these, cars, as you know, but unfortunately I have never owned or worked on a Frank Sinatra edition.  All I know about those special cars was learned from other members of the Imperial Mailing List (now called OIC, I guess), especially Bill Watson, plus the excellent article in the Walter P. Chrysler club magazine about 10 years ago.  Bill is an inexhaustable fountain of knowledge about Chrysler practices and procedures, and seem to have documentation of just about everything on any year car from Chrylser.  He also owns an 83, and is a fan of these cars.  I think you should post your question to the mailing list directly, I'm betting you will get good information from him, and possibly other members of the club.

I have never heard of the sign-off sheet being given to buyers, but I had previously heard of the special test procedures run on all the 81-83 cars.  I have also never heard of the newsletter.

Sorry that I don't have more information for you,
