QuestionI have a 65 mustang and am reinstalling the orignal AM radio. I have a blue/red wire that powers up the radio light and still has the male connector from the radio. I also have a black power wire that the connector (male?) is missing from the radio. My quandry is I have only one black female connector power lead behind the dash panel. Since I need power to both black and blue/red radio wires, I do not know if I should plug the blue/red in the black power lead and run the black lead on the radio to the fuse panel? To make it more consfuing there is also a blue/red wire behind dash with three female ends, but I do not get any power from any of the three. Was hoping the blue/red wires went together, but since there is no power there I got stuck.
AnswerI do not have a wiring diagram for your car; however, I can tell you how to check what you have. The blue/red wire is probably the power to the dial light in the radio, so you can find any other blue/red wire under the dash and connect them, after you verify that is the correct function for those wires. You do not have power to that wire unless the headlights or parking lights are on, and the dash lights are turned up to "bright". If your other dash lights are working, there should power on that wire too.
As for the main power lead to the radio, it should go to the fuse panel, on the "accessory" terminal. I don't know what became of the original wire, it was there at one time, but I guess it's gone now!
If you are going to be working on this car in the future, I strongly advise you to get a factory shop manual for the car. Amongst other things, it will tell you all the wire colors and where they connect.