Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1964 Chevelle hesitation, hesitation problem, coil wire

I just did a tune up on my 1964 chevelle.  It is a six cylinder.  I changed the plugs/points/cap/rotor/wires/condensor but I am experiencing hesitation.  Once it shifts out of low gear it is reluctant to go.  The more you press the gas the less responsive it is.  

There is an electrical short somewhere.  You get shocked when you touch the doors etc.  In the past couple of years, the distributor went out, the coil went out, and a pair of points burned out.  

I can't tell if my hesitation problem is gas related or elecrical.  Is there a trick to adjusting the mixture?  I just did it by ear, but I'm not really an expert.  The same with my timing.  

WOW Barry;
        SHOCKING - well that is not good, you must have a short someplace , if you set the points right and the plugs I do not think you have anything wrong there , if you are getting a shock I would first worry about that as I bet it is causing the sluggy condition, i would trace the coil wire and look for any shorts also the plug wires , coil  . I would   look inside the dist. 2 - C if anything is grounding out, is the condensor grounding when the dist. advance is kicked in.check all wires OK