Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1953 f100 fornt end sway, bar application, jc whitney

My original metal 1953 f100 pickup(283chevy powered) with a volaire front clip has a lot of front end sway when  cornering. Would a sway bar system and /or heaver shocks help.If so how would i calculate heavier shock size or what sway bar application system could be used .Are there any volaire front end adjustments that can be done to help also.Thanks Alan

Hi Alan;
 Well as far as the front end goes -both the sway bar and some shocks would help you   , as long as all of the parts in it now are in good shape than all should be ok,as long as  nothing is worn out , etc. here is a company that has all types of bolt on items that you can use , ( jc whitney .com )
you can find a bunch   of bolt on items that will help you out at a good price.I just looked and there should be all you need to beef uo the front end.  OK.