QuestionWould you be able to advise me on some 'pitfalls' regarding 1949 - 1953 Hudsons. I'm interested in buying one but have limited knowledge/experience as to what to look for as well as what to beware of.
You help would be MUCH appreciated.
Thank you.
AnswerWell, that can be a very big question indeed. Depending on where this car spent the first 56 years of its life, it might have many structural issues due to rust and neglect. If it has been west of the rockies, especially in the southwest, it is probably OK in that respect, but you should have it inspected by a professional anyway, just to be safe.
Hudsons are exceptionally well engineered and built automobiles, and in those pre-55 years, are also very simple cars. The engines are all flatheads, and unless it is a Hornet, it probably has just a simple single carburetor. There are really no weak spots in a Hudson as far as mechanical parts. The clutch runs in fluid, which is unusual, but otherwise the cars are quite conventional in design. Manuals are available if you do your own repair and maintenance, and there is a very good club which supports Hudson owners.
I encourage you to pick one out that is in the best condition you can afford, as it is always much nicer to have a car you can drive and just do routine maintenance on as opposed to one that is a "project" from the start.
Good Luck
Dick (who still drives a Hudson with pleasure and pride!)