Classic/Antique Car Repair: 352 stalls at oper temp, 1963 ford galaxie, fuel starvation
Question1963 Ford Galaxie 500xl 352 2bl. Car starts right up no mater how long it sits, runs flawless until motor gets up to operating temp. Then it will stall out as if the spark was removed. Sometimes it will stall and restart on it's own. At other times I have to start it with the starter. When using the starter to restart it will sometimes start right up and at other times the motor will turn over but wont fire. Then it will start and run as if nothing were wrong with it. This never happens on short trips only when driving for half hour or more. New regulator, new coil, coil wire fits tight. I can't find any loose connections or shorts. 59,000 original miles. Again it will at times just cut out and right back in and at other times cuts out and stays out untill I restart it with the starter. All other electrical systems keep operating normal.
AnswerHi Ted,
I suspect your electrical testing has been very thorough. I'm going to take your thought process in another direction.
What's the chance your fuel is boiling? Regardless of how hot the engine may be running (water temp) I'm concerned that the fuel line may be touching the engine block or another heat source and actually heating the fuel so it boils or vaporizes causing fuel starvation. Can you imagine starvation as an answer to your symptoms?