Classic/Antique Car Repair: OOPS... I put the oil in the wrong place... now what?, pontiac lemans, turkey baster
QuestionI drive a 1975 Grand Lemans (Pontiac lemans)that's in very good condition. Alright, so both embarassingly and stupidly I checked my dip stick and noticed I needed at about a quart of oil. I went and bought some, knowing very very little about cars, and couldn't figure out where to fill it into. Stupidly, I opened the cap to the power-steering and topped-off that very quickly (maybe 1/8th of a quart of oil in there). Realized my mistake and put the rest in the engine. What should I do about the power-steering fluids... is it going to hurt very much? what's the cheapest way for me to hit "undo"
Thank you.
Answer WOW DAVE;
I hope you are not using the car, if so and if it is still working , than you are lucky. you will have to get it out , if you only put in a little bit I would not worry that much but I still would try to get it out from the power stering pump, all you have to do is get a little suction pump and suck it out from the pump but here is a easy way, take your Moms or Wifes etc. turkey baster and use it to suck it up and out from the pump, as much as you can get out, and get a can of power sering fluid conditioner and add it to the pump and than fill the pump with power stering fluid the rest of the way , now you should be ok , if you smell or feel anything funny suck out the fluid again till you get it, but if only a little got in get out what you can and you should be fine, as if you filled it all the way you would have been in big trouble P.S. throw the turkey baster away or do not use it for food any more.ha ha
good luck Roger