Classic/Antique Car Repair: timeing chain replace, chevy nova, sealent
QuestionI have a 70 chevy nova 350 and it would not start and the rotor will not go around so I need a gear or chain right, if so what do I do
Answer Hea ; Tony,
I thought I sent you the data. ok it seems as you have a broken timeing chain, so you will have to do a lot of work like removing the water pump, fan, all belts, etc. etc. and the timeing case cover and than un do the two bolts on the oil pan and loosen the rest in the front of the engine as you will have to remove the front seal so replace it do not re-use it and put a lot of sealent on all gaskets and the cover as far as the timeing chain get a new one and now you must take off the three (3) bolts on the cam gear - replace that if need be too. now put the chain on both gears and align the top gear so the bottom gear (crank) dot and cam gear dot are faceing each other align them as if you are off by one (1) tooth you will be in big trouble so take your time. when you get them together bolt the gear to the cam and now put it all back together, after all that is done you now must re-set your distributor so loosen the bolt that holds it in pull the dist. up and out apx. 2 inches. and remove the no. 1 spark plug and have someone tap the key till you get the plug hole to pop your thumb off when the engine is cranking when it pops stop and you should be on tdc so look at the timeing marks if off turn the motor by hand with the belts till you get it on no one fireing spot and on t.d.c. now drop it in and bolt it up but keep the dist. a bit loose so you can adj. it to keep it running than re time it and you should be good to go. ok good luck to you