QuestionI am working on my father-in-laws '74 corvette. I am replacing the rear leaf spring and noticed that the center bracket that holds it to the car is broken. Where the rear two bolts go thru it is cracked in two on the top side. Can this be welded or will I have to replace it? The main problem is that the bracket is a part of the rear end cover. I don't know where I would be able to get a replacement, but I don't know if welding it would be strong enough. There is a lot of torque on that area. Please let me know your thoughts on this and any tricks to fixing this problem. THANKS
Answer Aha, I had the same thing happen in my 1963 vette and I was going over 75 wow it poped a hole up thru the back and I could see the bracket when I turned to look what a feeling I was super luckey , I blew nothing and it had over 400 horse. as far as that part try J.C.Whitney e-mail them for all info , catalog,etc. and tell them Roger Warrington from all Experts told you to try them first.
fax them or e-mail them first. ok. than if no good try, than next www.get crash
try these places after ok tell them I told you . good luck
I say If You must weld it (only) if you do not find a new one as You should I hope , I would find the best welder around and have a extra piece placed on each side to beef it up, but that is the last resort ok, good luck
Roger also you can try as a last-last resort www. corvette rear end try this last ok
good luck & God Bless the speed of the car