Classic/Antique Car Repair: A loud Clunk coming from the rear end, clunk, tr6

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When I let out the clutch or when I decelerate or accelerate quick.  I get a loud clunk from the rear end...Any clues on what I need to look at.  The clutch seems fine, I do get some slip if I try to pop the clutch from a dead stop.  I understand there is no adjustments for this, correct?
Answer -
Hi Kelly,

There are a number of things that can go clunk in the night.  It would be very helpful to know which car we were talking about.  Please right back soon.


Sorry about that....It's a 75 TR6

Hi Again.

I've always liked the looks of the TR's but I've not had any experience working on them.  Even the TR3 my brother had many years ago.  I found a link that seems to cover all the possibilities of your problem.  I hope this helps.
