Classic/Antique Car Repair: driveline vibration 1953 belair 235w/ closed driveshaft, torque tube, drivelines

at aboout 50-55 mph there is a vibration you can feel in the seat of the car. i have balnced the tires to no avail. jacked the car up one side at a time and and get the vibration on either side, about the same feeling. i thought maybe the harmonic balncer was bad, but can't get the vibration to feel the same without the shaft turning.
probaly torgue tube bushings but are they able to be changed in yard.
any other ideas where it may be coming from?

I'm not sure but I think you probably have to drop the whole assembly far enough to take apart the front end of the torque tube, and the labor chart shows 5 hours labor (and they are talking about a journeyman mechanic who has done this many times at a dealership), so you can bet there is a lot of stuff that has to come apart.

But drop the front of the driveline and check the U-joint and the bearing at the rear of the transmission before you go any further, you might find the problem right there.  If you have to do the bushings, you may be able to get at them from the front - I've never done it myself, so I can't tell you for sure.  

If you know someone who has more experience with these drivelines, try to get more advice - I've just been lucky with my 51, it's always been OK, except for one U-joint failure.

Good Luck, and I'm sorry I can't be more exact with a procedure.  I checked my manuals but they don't cover those drivelines.
