Classic/Antique Car Repair: cleaning interior, mold and mildew, mold mildew

Thanks Tom for the help. I have one of those air ionizers that plug into the cigarette lighter; will that work enogh when the car is running or do I need something more powerful run from the house with electricity on a longer time frame? The vehicle was sitting for over 18months & is really bad! Thanks again!

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Question -
Tom, Need to know what product or service if any will get mold & mildew off of car seats & the smell out of the interior. Need ideas! Thanks
Answer -
There are several products on the market that will clean and deodorize the inside of your vehicle, however unless you kill all the hidden mole spores the mold and smell will still be there. By far the best way that I know of to kill the mold is to use an electrostatic air cleaner/purifier. These units will put out high levels of ozone which will kill the mold and mildew. I use these ozone units on boats all the time and if one thing that boats seem to have a problem with is mold and mildew. Check with your local rental centers to see if that rent these units.

[email protected]

You may need a heavy duty unit and let it run for several days in a row. You can try asking the counter person at your local auto parts store for some heavy duty cleaner made just for mold/mildue clean up and then use the air cleaner unit.

[email protected]