Classic/Antique Car Repair: 74 Corvette Leaf Spring, old camaros, rear leaf spring

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I am working on my father-in-law's '74 Vette.  I would like to know the correct sequence to removing and replacing the rear leaf spring.  It has only one that runs across the back end.   

I will also be rebuilding the carb, if you have any secrets for that.

Thanks for any help you can share.
Answer -
Why are you re-building the rear leaf spring, do you wish to raise it up a lil bit ? as it only has the one spring and be carefull with should get a lift kit for it if anything. or check into a lift kit for that car. or see what type of spring kits you can get,etc. use caution when doing the job as there will be a lot of spring tension and it is strong enough to rip off your head if taken off the wrong way so use caution.also use safty jacks and spring safty compressors too.what type of a carb do you have if you have a quadrajet, you can do a lot to them , change the jets and metering rods etc. and you will see a world of a difference. and with a aluminum intake manifold and a mallory duel point dist and headers with a nice fulley camshaft you will see a night and day difference.
well good luck.

Thanks for your reply.  I am replacing the Leaf Spring because it has two broken leaves.  I will also be putting new gas shocks on at the same time.
I have never taken off a leaf spring that runs from side to side before.  i am used to the normal ones that come in pairs like on the old Camaros and Trans Ams.  That is why I was hoping for some insight into the correct sequence to jacking and unbolting the old one.

The carb is a Quadrajet.  The engine only has 195 horse out of the factory and even less in its current condition.  The car has 50K original miles and is only driven maybe 50 miles per year.  I plan on doing a lot of road tests once I get it back up to full power.  If you can share any specifics like best settings for the jets or other tricks, that would be awesome.

Thanks for listening.

as far as the spring goes you must be real carefull as it can go flying and it could rip yourbface off so use as many safty precautions as possible. be safe not sorry, and as far as the lift schocks that is a good idea. just be carefull when doing so. and as far as the carb a quadrajet is a great carb to rebuild as you can get a lot of pep out of it, as farvas the jets go a bit higher and squater them also get metering rods also and you will see a night and dat diff in it when done.i say go to www.j.c. whitney .com and see if they have a kit for the quadrajet as you will be so happy with it. beleive me it will scream with power. look into it ok/and just be carefull when doing it ok.