Classic/Antique Car Repair: weak spark, plug wires, mallory
Question73 vette 454 electronic dist seems to have weak spark more noticable when hot i did buy and install a new coi m s but just looks weak any ideas thanks dond blaster but the spark still seems a little weak may jump 1/2 inch or so
Answer hi;
is the car running bad , if there is a spark that is only a 1/2 inch, i think it should be more than that but if it has a big loud snap to it thats can take off one of the plug wires and put it on a old plug that is being held with a insolated tool or glove and ground the plug to the motor and see what type of a spark it is giving to the plug if it is a nice bright one with a snap to it thats good...but if not its time to look into a nice mallory set up or some h.d. dist..
good luck