Classic/Antique Car Repair: 74 wankel/sachs 295 in a snowmonile (stock), shell rotella oil, shell rotella t

hi, thanks for helping,    i have an arctic cat with  a wankel engine and the owners manual says   "The correctfuel mixture is 6 us gallons of regur gas plus one us quart of Arctic cat Rotolube - improved formula or equivilent (SAE 30 HD Shell rotella t)"   i have never mixed this type of oil with gas before and the arctic cat deaaler says they dont make rotolube anymore;       everyone is telling me to use 2 stroke oil but i want some advise before i start it up,  oh ya  it hasnt been started for a long time ( 10 yrs)

thanks for reading and any help would be appreciated
robert deangelis

Please understand I know nothing about Wankels, nothing about snowcats and nothing about Shell Rotella oil, so that makes me supremely qualified to answer your question!   Right.....

Anyway, I would definitely not use two stroke oil, regardless of what the other guys are saying, because it is a much different animal than normal engine oil, which I'm pretty sure is what the Shell product is.  I'd go to a NAPA store and get their premium SAE30W oil - it is as good as any straight 30W oil you can buy, and it should be very close to what was originally specified.  I suggest that to start it the first time after all that time, you should mix a slightly richer mixture, say one quart to 4 gallons.  It will smoke like heck, and may even foul the plugs, but you will get lubrication to the cylinder walls and bearings much quicker that way.  Once it is running, then go back to the leaner mixture.

Good luck, I hope it starts up and runs great!
