Classic/Antique Car Repair: 1987 camaro rs, problum, fuel line
Questioni have a 1987 camaro rs 6 cyl. fuel injected that runs really good it cranks right up, and runs good at a fast speed ,it also will sit and idle as long as its not in gear,but it goes dead when you let off the gas or put it in gear, we have checked for vacume leaks changed the rotor and distribiter cap,and changed the plugs what else could it be ?
Answerjugzes; hea, wow thats a bummer, are you getting the right gas pressure to the injector s fuel line . get a fuel / p.s.i. tester and see what you are puttung out, also is the idle set to low ? and check for vacume leaks you can get a can of starting fluid and you must be careful when you do it but with the car at a idle spray some fluid around any area that you think could have a leak and if you have one the engine will rev up when it sucks in the either. than there is the trouble if it is that.and if you have a vacume gauge you can see if you are in normal range. I do not think it is a elect. problum but it sounds as if it is a fuel issue , so if you can get the gauges and try them. does that have a fuel filter ? is it bad ? hea what type of a distributor is in it as the advance could be bad too, but I doubt it. I think it is fuel ..
good luck