Classic/Antique Car Repair: Fuel system, radiator shop, fuel hoses

I have been working on a car 78 Mercedes 450SLC (75,000 original miles) that has been sitting for 7 years without being cranked .  I just finished getting gas tank de-vanished  from a radiator shop.  I cleaned all fuel lines and replaced fuel hoses including fuel filter and pump.  I am not a mechanic by trade; but, I have tools and can do damage.  I heard several times that is not good to start an engine dry especially if has not moved in 7 years.  So, I took off all spark plugs sprayed some w-d 40 and dropped about a of spoon of oil on each cylinder.  I turned the engine by hand before craking it up.  Now, I am working on fuel injectors and throttle body.  Since the lines were not gumbed up but there was a lot of black gunk on injectors.  I spray (excuse my language, "the shit out of the injectors and inside of engine with B-12 Chemtool (Carbutator and choke cleaner).  What do you recommend for me to do before I change the oil, spark plugs and attempt to actually get it running.  Thanks Buddy!!!

ok= it sounds as if you got your shi-- together .
i would put some wd-40 or a light oil into each cyld. as you have done but i would do it again as you do not want to score those cyld.walls with all of the crap from 7 years of sitting, as there might be rust in them ? so load them up good. than after they sit for a day or longer turn it over by hand again at least 360* so you get a full rotation on the pistons. than just prior to turning it over to try to start it you should have a new filter and some light oil in it ok than if she does start do not what ever you do rev the engine up let it idle for a while so she gets up to nornal running temp as i hope you have new fluid in every place where so needed.and do not be shocked if all brake wheel cyld blow out and if not uou will have to give her a new brake job prior to useing her on the road as they got to be shot after all of this time, also drain tranny fluid std. or auto change everything and drain the rear end and add new rear end lube to it also. and check if the drive shaft has greese fittings if yes lube it up , check everything that must have oil or lube  ok.and i forgot you will have to replace all belts also. if you do get it up and running let her idle and just check everything  look for leaks or oil , etc.,etc., ok than with out reving the motor after you have it up at normal running temp  when you have looked her over good and shut her down while the engine is still warm not hot get that oil out a.s.a.p. and the oil filter a.s.a.p. than replace a new filter and new oil std type what ever it is called for ok.
 now all you will have to do is give it a real good looking over- tune it up- and the tires got to be bad-wipers- hoses- you might need a master cyld ?. brakes also so you will have a lot of replacing of old parts to do. if you want to do it right...
please let me know how you come along as i would like to know  ok.your friend roger / [email protected]
  I FORGOT = when / if she does start she is or will most deff. smoke like hell for some time and it will just get better and soon it should stop smoking  / and if you do not get smoke you are super lucky , so if she does smoke it might bellow  out smoke for a bit but do not worry it should all go away soon or after the oil and filter change but remember the engine has been sitting for 7 years so you must remember not to rev the motor for some time you got to baby it/ as if it was me i would never let the gas pedel
go any more than half way !  than after apx. 800 - 1000
miles i would go onto a freeway and go 3/4 of the way to see what she will do than if all is well hit it for only  a second or two and that is it as you are going to blow out a lot of carbon and all of the shit that has been sitting in and on the pistons for those 7 years SO REMEMBER = it is just like getting a new motor as it must RE-BREAK IN -
so If you wish for no smoking conditions take it easy with it dont be hot rodding that engine as it is old  and it got to get back into shape ok