Classic/Antique Car Repair: battery goes dead, altanator, amp output
Question i have a 6 cyld. ford a 64 and ever since i put in a h.d.raido w/amp. and h.d. fog lights my gauge is at the low mark and my lights get dim and get bright when i give the motor gas why is this.
Answerwell ok george the biggie here is what type of a amp or genarator do you have in that little six i would bet you that your no#1 problum is that you are not putting out enough juice for that little bit of a you put in parts that the charging system cant handle, as you should have a heavy duty altanator or genarator, find a set up from a 8 cyld ford, and put all of those parts in your car and dont forget to put in the same size battery that was in the v-8 and try to find a v-8 with all power, like power seats, heavy duty amp.output, power windows, power everything as all of this extra power output will now give you more than enough to put what ever sound system in that rig you want to and you will have a hell of a lot of cranking power also. as this should do the job for you, you could just go for a extra heavy duty genarator or a altanator if it has one, be shure it is a heavy duty one and i would also do the voltage regulator also and a new battery that is for that ex. large h.d.alt. or try it you might like it.bigw45