Classic/Antique Car Repair: rear end noise, chevy ss, pain in the butt
Questioni have a 64 chevy ss 283 stoch w/4 speed w/h.d.clutch and a 4bbl. all std. it runs real good but i have a bad whine sound from the rear end and worse if i go fast from a standstill what is that and is it dangerous ?
Answer wow stop right there !
as you do have a serious condition as you could have bad u joints so jack it up and check them out for any play if any r/r them a.s.a.p. or you are going to blow one soon and on a 63 and 64 you have those two pc drive shafts and a pain in the fix. also un hook your drive shavt from the rear end and see what type of play that you have and pull off the back cover plate and look those gears over and see the wear marks- in the event that you have a excess of wear or play this means that you shall probably blow it sooner than later, if you have a std. or a stock type rear as far as gears go if i were you i would go for a set of 4'11 gears w/posi traction this will give you a bit of a faster jump start/ jack rabbit start but not that bad on the gas tank also you can still cruse on the hiway at 65 and not rev the r.p.m. but if you wish for even more pep you could go for a 4.56 or a 4.88 but i do not recomend this at all as you have a stock engine so let it be. lrt me know whay you do ok thanks