QuestionOver the past 25 years I've owned a number of vintage Chev pickups (3 '65's and 1 '62) and recently acquired a 1961 model that's got me stumped. It has a 283 c.u. V-8 and was running fine, but now will not start due to no spark. It cranks over just fine, getting gas, no problem. I've replaced the voltage regulator, coil, condenser, points (points are new from two months back when I bought it) the cap (also replaced at the same time the points were)appears to be intact with no visible signs of cracks and still no spark. Using my volt/ohm reader, everything checks out according to my shop manual specs. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Answer ok as far as i remember you do not have that many wires , so do you have and grounding out, or how about those points did you gap them / dwell at 28/32 as a new set can be just as bad as a no good set as i had 3 sets of faulty points before i got a car started, also how about the coil wire try a diff. wire. if you are not getting spark to the plug wires it could be the cap, rotor, did you replace it - also a crack can do a lot , cap-rotor-condenser-point gap did you set the points on the hi spot of the dist. cam. ? that could do that also.if the gap is small you will not get enough juice, try a new cond, & points and check the rotor and try again , do not start pulling plug wires off or removing the distributor, coil, etc as you will open a big can of worms, try the points and cond. and rotor first,let me know ok i hope you get it going