QuestionCan you tell me where i can purchase a book about this car? and where we may be able to buy all parts to restore this car? And any other information you can give that may help. Thank you very much. Brenda
AnswerProbably the best source of information about these delightful little cars is the Nash Car Club of America. You can contact them at:
I know many of the local members here in the Southern California area, and I find them exceptionally friendly and helpful, even though my car is not strictly speaking pure Nash (mine is a 55 Hudson). Your car is welcome in the Nash club, even though it has an English engine.
Once you contact the club, you will be referred to your local chapter (depending on where you live), be sure to join those folks also - you'll find many cars just like yours, a source of parts and literature about it, and just plain good folks.
Also, use your internet browser to do a "google" search on "Nash Metropolitan" - you'll find pages and pages of information about your car.
Have fun!