Questionyes i would like to fix it my self i just want to make sure i am correct about the part if it is the rack and the best way to do the job as not to creat more problems also to find out about the best course of action a seal replacement or a new rack thank you-------------------------
Followup To
Question -
i am in search of diagrams wiring and electrical i am also asking about the power steering system i think my rack is leaking
Answer -
Hi Lawrence.
My wife has had some pretty good luck searching for and finding sources for a lot of wiring diagrams. I'll ask her to give your request a look-see when she gets home tonight.
As for the rack leaking, if you're sure it's the rack and not some other leak looking like a rack leak, what do you want to do? Are you going to try to fix it yourself, and what would you like me to help you with?
Use the follow-up question feature of Allexperts to give me a bit more info about the situation and what you'd like to do. Thanks Dave
Answer****FOLLOW-UP*** 7-28-04
Lawrence, here's the information you need for wiring diagrams.
You can find the 70 Torino Wiring Diagram for around
$7 at this site.
Ok. Let's start by verifying the problem. I assume you have power assisted steering. If this is the case you'll have two metal hydraulic lines from the power steering pump into the "rack". Try to determine if the leakage is from the fittings at the rack, which would be a good thing...or from somewhere else along the rack, or from the rubber booties at either end.
If it's hard to tell, you could put the front end up on jackstands and try your best to wipe away the gunk on the rack. Have a friend start the car and while idling, have your friend turn the steering wheel from lock to lock. Assuming that test shows the car would be safe to crawl partway under, shine a flashlight on the rack while your friend again turns the wheel. You may be able to spot new power steering fluid seeping from your leaky area.
Let me know what you find. Thanks. Dave