Classic/Antique Car Repair: Dodge Dart, dodge dart, alignment shop

Your Message:

Even if you change the ball joints yourself, you'd need to take the car in to an alignment shop when you are done, because it really isn't practical to try to align it yourself, the equipment required to do an adequate job costs thousands of dollars.   

As for the spring compressor, I certainly wouldn't attempt it without one.  I have heard all kinds of tips to work around it, but I've also heard of people losing a limb from trying!   If you have an AutoZone store, or whatever that chain is called in your area, they will loan you one free - I've used their tools when I don't have the right thing.   They will get a cash deposit from you, but they will return your money when you return the tool.   But why do all that work before you know you need to?  Take it in to an honest shop and find out what the problem actually is.  It could merely be bad tires - you'd be wasting a lot of money by trying to "easter egg" it!

My response: Thanks for confirming about the spring compressor, I was just curious. I don't plan on trying to align the car myself, I am just going to fix it up.
I know the tires are shot but they show wear on the inside so I suspect something in the suspension.(We already discussed this) I plan on checking all this myself because frankly, I don't trust "shops". Plus the price of their labor is so outrageous and I can't afford it. I am also determined to learn all this stuff, partly to protect myself from mechanics (in case I do need one), and even the parts stores who try to take advantage of me.Just the other day I had to "call them on their bs" and make them realize I wont do business with them if they try to mess with me! I also find pride in myself when I fix a car, or help someone else. It's not usually a "woman's job", and I get a lot of reactions from people--some good, some bad.
 So you are partly right about not doing the work if I don't need to. I just want to make sure for myself what actually needs to be done and not have some mechanic tell me a lie.I've been ripped off so many times I cant count, because of my own ignorance.So you say an "honest" mechanic? Will they put it in writing?
That's when I play dumb and then get a second opinion.
That's why I'm thankful that AllExperts is available for me and I hope you continue to answer my questions.
To make things even better--I'm kinda having fun with these guys!  

Ok, I understand.  I'll be here!

By the way, one of my 6 kids is quite the mechanic in her own right (that's right, I said HER).   Her husband watches the 3 kids and keeps the home shipshape, and she fixes the cars!   Recently she had the starter all apart on her Toyota pickup, and before that she put a water pump on their Dodge Caravan - so females are just as likely to be natural mechanics as anyone else.  The old roles were so much bunk.  However, in my house, my wife can't change a light bulb!

OK, I'm off to find out why the clothes washer is leaking again!
