Classic/Antique Car Repair: CORVETTE, 74 corvette, hei distributor
QuestionI have a 74 corvette with a 350 engine with mostly all new parts. when I accelerate real fast it shuts off but when I come to a stop it starts right back up again. help me please
AnswerWhen you say "shuts off", I take it you mean the engine completely stops, so that you have to restart it to get it going again. If this is the right guess, I think you must have a loose wire in the ignition system that is interrupting your 12 volts to the coil (assuming you don't have an HEI distributor on it). Just inspect all the wires from the ignition switch to the coil terminal - maybe you can find a loose connection. If you do have HEI on it, then look for the wire from the ignition switch to the distributor connector.
If you have a backfire once in a while, that is a sure sign of the ignition quitting for an instant.
I'd need to look at it to track this one down. If you can't find anything wrong, you are going to have to take it to someone with the right meters so he can check to see what is dropping out. In the mean time, quit that accelerating business - gas is too expensive anyway!