Classic/Antique Car Repair: Ignition Noise suppression, noise suppressor, noise suppression

I have a 1948 Plymonth radio which is working quite well, until you turn on the engine of the 1948 Plymonth. There is a lot of noise of course, the car, as many were  sold in in those days, was sold without a radio, so there is no factory original noise suppression on the distubitor or spark coil to give me a clue on what they used. Any Clues?

John Sweeney
1725 Meadow Road
southampton, PA 18966  

Hello John,
Your best bet is to contact a parts supplier like JC Witney, they may have a noise suppressor kit consisting of resistor wires, plugs and a special dist cap. However with AM radios you may never suppress all the noise.

[email protected]