QuestionWhat products and process would you suggest to degrease an engine that has been pulled and completely dismantled?
Thank you,
Your question is a good one. If you invent the perfect solution you'll be a millionaire. I have tried everything. Solvents, mineral spirits, gasoline, lacquer thinner, soaking in parts washers, engine degreasers, 25 cent auto wash stalls, pressure washers, scrapers, brushes, ragsgetting my girlfriend to help (of course she was 16 30 years ago and had to be crazy about me, right?),...etc., etc.
At this point I can't even come up with a preferred method. The only thing that works isn't available to the home mechanic...a commercial steam action cleaner at your local machine shop. Sometimes followed by bead blasting.
If you're going to have any machine work done, it's usually a good excuse to bring a few extra dirty parts along and see if they'll throw them in the wash too.
If I were going to clean a greasy-grimy part right now I 'd probably scrape and brush the heaviest accumulations off, soak the part if possible in mineral spirits or an oil based solvent, more brushing, more wiping, etc. Eventually I'd get close to good, then spritz lacquer thinner on to further clean and help ensure a better surface for painting, if applicable.
Very tedious...I know.
Write back to me when you figure out something better. Thanks