Classic/Antique Car Repair: 69 Camaro Electrical Cont., light dims, 69 camaro

Hey. You're a lifesaver. Ok its still not running.... heres some more description. When i turn it on the dome light dims but stays on, i hear a click when i start and i tired to test over the "S" terminal but its impossible to see with all the gunk that has acumulated. I only have the + from the battery, the purple to the safety neutral switch and the yellow to the coil. Hmmmm.... im out of ideas. THanks for all the help. James

OK, we're making progress here.  Since you hear the click, and the dome light dims, we know the starter is pulling juice - that proves your ignition switch and all your wiring is good, and that your solenoid is working right too.

Now we have to figure out why the starter isn't cranking the engine - and we know it is pulling juice.  There are only two possibilities - the starter or the battery.  

If you are sure your battery is up (or you can try it with another battery) and it still won't crank, your starter has quit.  It's time to jack it up and take it to AutoZone and get a rebuilt.  They are cheap, and pretty easy to change if you have a strong jackstand (don't trust a jack!)   My guess is that you'll be done with it for under $50.  While you're at it, clean up all those electrical connections on the battery cables and on the two small wires on the solenoid too.

Let me know how you make out.
