Classic/Antique Car Repair: Brake shoe anchor pins, anchor pins, brake safety
QuestionDick, I am restoring a '64 Barracuda and all of the mechanicals are complete. I ran into a problem during the brake rebuild. I did not notice until a problem occurred the other day. The new brake hardware kit from my local parts store contained new anchor pins, which I used. One of them 'popped' through the hole in the backing plate, fortunately, in my driveway. Also, fortunately, I saved some of the old parts, but unfortunately, not all of the parts. When I matched up the old and new anchor pins, the old one has a bigger 'mushroom' seat. The new one is only slightly bigger than the backing plate hole and worked its way through and the holddown spring let go. I went back to the parts store, but they only had the smaller pins. I tried using a small washer behind the plate hole and it works, but also shortens the length of the pin and the spring has added tension. I really want to use the right pins, especially for brake safety! Can you suggest any sources or ideas? I have a digital photo of both pins, if you want to see it. Thanks...
AnswerWow! This is a truly scary situation, and one I have not run into as yet. I assume you tried NAPA stores for the right hardware - they have always had exactly the right stuff for me. If they can't help you, you'll need to contact one of the MOPAR parts specialists. I'd start with "Year One". You probably already know them but if not, go to and get familiar with their business. I have been bailed out by them a couple of times on my various Mopars (64 NY'r, 67 and 68 Imperials).
Good Luck to you with the Barracuda. You have the 273, I guess (or the 225?) Both great engines. I still drive my 83 Imperial with the 273 derived 318 everywhere - great engines.