Classic/Antique Car Repair: heater core bipass, e mail address, vacuum hoses

I have all the sign of a heater core leak on my 74 Torino. i'm thinking bipass the heater core for a temporary fix. any advice on where i'll find easy to read info on how to pull the heatercore?

How about right here?

The heater core comes out through the passenger compartment.  

First remove the glove box, then remove the heater plenum air distribution from the plenum (2 snap clips).  

Now remove the temperature control cable assembly mounting screw, and disconnect the end of the cable from the blend door crank arm (1 Spring nut).

Next remove the blue and red vacuum hoses from the high-low door vacuum motor; the yellow hose from the panel-defrost door motor; and the brown hose at the inline tee connector to the temperature by-pass door motor.

Disconnect the wiring connector from the resistor.

Remove 10 screws from around the flange of the plenum case and remove the rear case half of the plenum.

Remove the mounting nut from the heater core tube support bracket.

Remove the heater core.    Shout Hoooray!

This ain't fun, but you can do it, all it takes is a limber spine, good eyesight and light, and patience.  Be sure to drain the cooling system first!

These direction are for a car with AC.  If yours doesn't have AC, post a "follow up question" to me and I'll try again.   If you include your e-mail address, I can scan and send you a picture of the parts etc.
