Classic/Antique Car Repair: Austin Healy Sprite mk2, austin healy sprite, material cause
QuestionHi. I purchased a new mohair hood for my austin healy sprite mk2 as the old one was out of shape and cheap. My problem is that no matter how hard i try i cant get the new one to fit. I really need to know if im doing it wrong. I thought maybe the hood needed warming up to enable it to stretch?
If you could help it would be much appreciated.
Hi. Hope I can help, but I mostly deal with body work and mechanical issues. I have fitted several tops though. Anyway, first make sure it is the right hood for your car. Compare it with the one you took off. Second, I assume the hood material is heavy vinyl- and yes, you are right about having it warm. It is best to first put the bare top frame up on the car. Then, lay the new hood over the frame and take it out in the sun for awhile to get good and warm. Then begin to fit. I also assume some type of instructions came with it- I'd follow them. If not, mark the exact center (left to right) of the front hood bar (on the metal frame) and also mark the exact center of the hood material with a piece of chalk. this helps you get it centered. Then, if the back fittings are already installed on the hood, I'd connect them to the snaps on the car body and work the hood material around the frame to the front. Give yourself plenty of material(cause you can always cut it twice if it's too long, but if you cut it too short- your screwed) At the front you'll want to see how the original attached to the front frame bar and try to duplicate that. Probably folded/wraped over the front of the bar and "glued and screwed" in some manner. I know this is not much help- but the most important thing is to take your time- don't be in a rush to make any cuts- also, tops do tend to shrink a bit over time so don't make it as tight as a drum head when it's hot, cause when it cools or gets cold out- it will be a real bear to fasten it properly. If your installing it hot, just make it snug and just enough to take the wrinkles out of it. As a last resort (and before you cut anything) if you just can't seem to get it right- take it to a local upholustery / car/boat cover shop and have them fit it!
Good luck.