Classic/Antique Car Repair: trouble finding specific part, auto parts chains, volt bulbs

Dear Mr. Benjamin,

I have already modified the front.  What I am looking for is the lens covers for the trunk turn signals on a 1940 Buick Special.  I have checked all the local stores in the Quad-State area of KY,IN,IL, and TN.  If you could find a catalog from a company that could supply me with this part it would be greatly appreciated!  I am currently looking for two(2) lens cover with the Buick letters.  And they are for the trunk.  The last set I ordered were the only set the company had and during the shipping, UPS broke them.  PLEASE HELP!

         Jason Bucher-------------------------
Followup To
Question -
Please help me locate 2 signal lamp kits for a 1940 buick.  I have virtually looked everywhere I can think of and no luck.  I have a car show coming up and would GREATLY appreciate your help.  If you can think of any sites I could look up please email me immediately.  Thank you for your expertise.
         Jason Bucher
Answer -
I need a little more information here.  Are you talking about turn signals?   Did your car come with them in the front?   I think they only came for the rear in that year.

If you are wanting to add turn signal lights on the front, you are going to have to modify the parking light sockets, and add some wiring.  If you want to do this, contact a wiring harness supplier (I use for things like that, but there are other suppliers).

If you already have turn signals, but are looking for replacement bulbs, these are getting hard to find, but most large auto parts chains still carry the common 6 volt bulbs.  I don't know where you live, so there is no point in my suggesting what store to use, they are mostly not nationwide.

If I haven't understood your question, give me more information and I'll try again.


Bingo, now I understand, you are looking for replacement lenses for the rear turn signals, the ones that say BUICK and EIGHT.

The only source I can suggest is those folks who specialize in Buick parts.   There are many - a few I can think of off hand are all advertisers in the BCA (Buick car club) publications - there is one in Kent Washington that is very good, but I'm sure there are others.  If you are not a member of BCA, you should be -they are nice folks, and will help you find your parts.

I don't have any lists of vendors, or any other way to research this for you - you'll just have to do the legwork yourself.

Sorry to not be more help.

Contact BCA at - they can give you some leads.
