Classic/Antique Car Repair: Inside reveal moulding trim piece, vintage coach, fontana california

While restoring a 1939 Hudson, we broke the inside reveal moulding (approx 2" x 1 1/2 ") piece that covers the center where the bottom inside window trim pcs meet. It's made of pop-metal (?)

We are having a difficult time locating another.

Do you know where one may be found or of someone who could fabricate a replacement ?  We understand that the part was used 1937-39.

Thank you.

"Pot" metal, which is another name for cast zinc, is really weak, as you found out.  If you saved the pieces, a model maker can cast a new one for you out of brass, which when nickel plated will look identical, and be much stronger in the bargain.

If you want to find an original piece, your only resource is the HET club and its vendors, who specialize in parts for antique Hudsons.  If he is still in business, Bill Allbright's "Vintage Coach" in Fontana California used to be  a good source for this sort of thing - but Bill has been ailing lately and I'm not sure he is still doing business.  You can contact his shop at:

Vintage Coach 16593 Arrow Blvd., Fontana, CA(909) 823-9168

Good luck!
