Dodge Repair: 4x4 will not go in on 07 nitro dodge
Questionhow can i get it into 4 wheel drive and can i see the transfer case
AnswerHi Elizabeth,
You apparently have the model 143 transfer case that allows you to choose whether or not to be in 4 wheel drive. (The 140 case is full-time 4 wheel drive). I believe that fuse M37 is involved with the transfer case operation so locate that fuse in the main power box and check to see whether it might be blown. The manual Mitchell shop manual that I have otherwise doesn't have a section about troubleshooting that unit. It is electronically operated and so it does have self-diagnostic capability which is accessed with a shop-level diagnostic readout box. So you could go to a shop that is capable of doing such a readout to ask them to determine if there is a fault code stored in the memory of the controller for the transfer case, and that then might suggest what further to do.
The transfer case is the last unit in the drive train which starts at the engine, then that is attached at the rear to the transmission, and finally the transfer case is the final unit and is attached to the transmission.
Let me know what you learn.