Dodge Repair: Low oil pressure shut off?

2013 Dodge Dart 2.0L
Low oil pressure light came on and shortly after car stalled out. Is there a low oil pressure shut off? The car did not clunk or knock prior to stalling. When attempting to start there is a click and the gauge light go off and on sporadically.

Hi Rick,
Whether there is damage to the engine depends upon how many revolutions and at what rpm the engine experienced before it stalled. If you didn't hear any change in the engine sound it may be that it just began the 'lock-up' which is when the pistons no longer can move in the cylinders due to lack of oil.
I don't have a manual so new as 2013 but I have not heard of a low oil pressure shut off safeguard on any engine.
When you attempt to start it if the starter motor does not rotate the engine then that would be a sign that it has locked up. The click is the sound of the starter solenoid switch which is opening when the starter fails to overcome the resistance to turn over the engine. It also drags down the voltage and thus the gauge light goes off and on.
What I would suggest is that you go to the front of the engine where you will find the crankshaft pulley which drives for the power steering and the A/C compressor/alternator. There is a bolt that hold that pulley to the crankshaft. The engine normally rotates clockwise as you look at it from the front side.
I am not sure whether you can get a socket onto the bolt that holds that pulley or not. If you can and you have a ratchet handle that can be mated to the socket you could try rotating the engine counter-clockwise by hand and then try clockwise. If it won't rotate either way then you might try putting a spoon full of oil in the 4 cylinders via that spark plug hole and try again. If it is still locked up, then you will need to have the car towed to a shop that your trust and that deals with this sort of a history to see what they might try before taking apart the engine.
Often when something like this happens the engine makes more noise before it locks up.
So you might be in luck.
I hope so.
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